Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A year and a century

Today at lunch a colleague asked me how long I've been in the UK and it struck me that we've completed on full year here. Seems landmark in some way .. marking the survival of one year in the 'big city'. The year has been in two nearly equal parts. The first six months of job search angst and the next six flying by.

While the first half had its predominant low.. there were the positives. I discovered the wonderful world of blogging. Discovering lots of interesting people in blogworld..and getting great tips (I have bought all my India trip tickets from an agent I read about on someone's blog). There's no way I could have done this now. Getting time of a weekday morning to go out and having fun with the camera. Getting to catch up on reading (though actually with a 4 hours of commuting, I get to read more now). I also realised while a good job was very important to me, there were other things more important. I also got a lot of time to explore the city, make my ten trips around to decorate the house and meet lots of strange people in the process of looking for a job! Not that I would wish for that time again, but hey, I've always cribbed about the job search period, so am trying to be positive for a change! The second half has been hectic, hectic, hectic. Work catching up, lots of guests, finally being relaxed enough to holiday - its all just whizzed past. Sometimes, I just want to hit the pause button for a day. Though ask me even in the middle of my sleep, I much prefer this. I still miss not having close friends in London..it scares me sometimes to think that I may have forgotten how to forge deep bonds..but time will tell.

The century refers to this being the hundredth post in my blog. Its been fun writing, sharing things with all of you.. reading about your lives. Sentimental speech ends here before this becomes a mushy pink marshmallow!


Kochukandhari said...

Congratulations!! Woohoo and now that you're a full grown blogger - post more, do!

Anonymous said...

Yes please post more. I miss the days when you, Beks and I, perfect strangers, did the NaBloPoMo together......

John said...

Ms. Pea woke up from her slumber. :P

Nee said...

Yay - congratulations.

And do pass on that travel agent information, if you don't mind!

Anonymous said...

doesnt it feel wonderful!! blogging is amazing! i find i cant keep a consistant diary, but i can blog till the cows come home!! something about typing in your words over writing them out leaves you less exhausted and plus lots more time to archive your thoughts !! especially when you have chicken scratch handwriting like me!!! now at least i can READ my own writing!! congrats!! and keep blogging!!

Pea said...

Beks: I am so amazed and with work and shifting you are still so regular! There's just so little time. I have so many things I want to say all in my head .. just not getting down to writing.

southways: NaBloPoMo was fun. Am so impressed you managed with all your travelling and work.

John: Rather, these days have finally got time to sleep!

Nee: Will drop you a mail. Btw, they only do tickets to India and Middle East ..so hope that helps.

Grafx:So true ..esp about leaving you less exhausted. Also, sometimes I like writing about holidays and events that I would like to remember but don't really have a diary to log into.

Nee said...

Hey Pea,
Yes, that's great! Thanks in advance... nees [dot] nook [at] gmail [dot] com