Sunday, November 12, 2006


Am so tired.

The walk happened. We went from Putney to Richmond. More on this later. I like walking and have found a nice website called Walk It. It gives you the walking route between places and to add a feel good factor even gives the calories burnt and amount of CO2 avoided. I've used it once, it's useful since it gives a map and written directions. One slightly scary thing, the website requests feedback about a wrong route. That doesn't sound too good. After walking two hours I don't want to find out that I walked to some wrong place.

Picture session happened. We finally decided on taking sunrise pictures. Will post pictures soon, from both the walk and the sunrise.

Concert was fabulous. I l-o-v-e-d the Royal Albert Hall!

And now, I go to sleep .. very very tired. Would not have written today if it hadn't been for NaBloPoMO, but didn't want to break the chain. Hope to make up for such a lame post with some nice pictures later. Good night!


Kochukandhari said...

Sounds like a nice Sunday! Your blog title is really being lived upto!

That Girl said...

isnt is so lovely to walk !! especially when you have some company looking forward to lots and lots myself!!

Pea said...

[Beks] Yups. The weekend was very packed. Which used to be true for weekdays as well when I was working.

[Grafxgurl] I love walking. London is also very conducive to walking since the weather is so nice. ..and with company, time just flies.

Miss Frangipani said...

What concert was this?

The RAH has a lot of special memories for us. Mr R and I literally live in the Albert Hall during July-September for the proms. Rather, he does and I accompany him!! This year, he also had a chance to sing at the Proms, so that was special. And oh, we got our first wedding present at the RAH! This was one of my first proms and I happened to be sitting next to a gentleman who got chatting with me. Turned out that he had just written a book on the RAH and without being asked, he autographed a copy and gave it to us (he said "Would you accompany me to my car outside?) Oooh...

You'll see the book everywhere at the RAH - big, hardcover, glossy pictures.

We saw a fantastic Michael Bolton concert last November- I do love him *grin*

Chai said...

why does london/UK have all the cool sites?? do you know how much i would LOVE a "walkit" website for any u.s. metropolitan city (i.e., nyc?? so darn lucky, you are.

sounds like you had a very pleasant sunday.

Pea said...

[mumbaiwallah] The book must be lovely. So impressed to hear about Mr R singing in the proms. The concert we went for was a RPO concert with Broadway songs. Was nice. Most impressive was the place.. and the acoustics.

[Chai] Am sure there are websites like this for the US too. Just needs discovering. I found it when I was searching for walking routes in London.

Miss Frangipani said...

Hey Pea

Hope you're feeling better.

Just wanted to ask what settings you use to upload your pics to your blog. They turn out SO neat and tidy :)

Do you use the upload pic option from within the post itself? What size do you choose for the pics?

Pea said...

[mumbaiwallah] I use the picture upload option within blogger. Usually I shrink the picture to approx 800 by 600 before I upload them. Sometimes, if I wrap the text around it, then I resize it within the editing box. Could put them smaller, but then I keep a slightly larger image incase someone wants to click on it and see it more clearly.