Tuesday, February 13, 2007

And the fairy godmother granted her wish

Finally a new beginning with the new year. I did not expect the wish to be granted to soon .. but indeed it has. Now I have an offer for a job which is better is many respects and most importantly, one I am very happy about. Suddenly all the angst of last year has faded far far away.

I can't believe now how depressed I have been through much of last year. There were times when I didn't like going out much and facing the same questions about where I was on my 'job search'. I felt so low I wished to be swallowed by the earth and other such morbid thoughts. Thankfully saner times prevailed and I felt I should have a broader perspective and not be so hung about a job .. it was after all a job .. people have to face up to far worse.

Now suddenly days are looking brighter .. everything seems more relaxed. Life is going to be much tougher after I start at the new place. Its a very big place and work will be challenging. Its likely to be more competitive and I'll have to work very hard to prove myself. Commute is going to be hell.. and jeans have to be traded in for a suit. But at the moment, all that hardly seems a worry.

And just for perspective of how slowly things move. I had started talking about this role last November and finally the paper work got over this week. Totally amazes me! But I should not start cribbing just yet.. I'll leave that for later.. for today ..I'll just float in the clouds.


Me said...

Congratulations, Pea...oh you must be on cloud 9 now. Hoorah!!!

Chai said...

congrats lady! it wasn't a fairy godmother, it was YOU. your persistent and faith in yourself opened up these possibilities.

Mr. J said...

Finally, all good things do happen. Congratulations and all the very best.

30in2005 said...

'All good things come to those who wait' was/is my fathers favourite thing to say while I was growing up. I believe that very strongly.

Many many congrats Pea. I hope this job is all you are hoping for and more.

Akkare said...

Yipee!!! Pea, I am so happy for you.

Sonal said...

Yayy...I am so glad that you finally got something you really wished for! CONGRATULATIONS!


Miss Frangipani said...


Congratulations and looking forward to more smily faces on the blog :)

That Girl said...

HIIIIIIIIII!!!! JUST got back home and so am on a running blogging greeting spree!! its great to be back in the blogsphere!!

shakester said...


Nee said...

Pea, I am SO happy for you!! Congratulations!

Risha said...

Wow!!! cONGRATUUUUULATIONS!!! am so happy for you.
the happy days are caaaaaaming..the happy days are caaaaaming :-)
all the best for the new work

Pea said...

Thanks everyone. Writing the blog has been quite de-stressing all these months. And hearing your job hunt stories helped in keeping me going.