Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Full Marks to B

For planning the perfect anniversary.

What a horrible year it has been. I was really hoping to get away for a weekend . . and even that couldn't happen with a whole lot of other stress in the background. So was not really hoping for much.

I had caught B surreptitiously surfing the net..so I guessed it was for a present.. and that put pressure on me to get my act together on getting him something. Books have flopped very badly in the past ..and after much brain racking..I got him Nike running clothes for winter. Though I suspect I am more taken up with the whole branded thing than B is..but whatever..they are smart clothes..and Lilywhites has smart prices. The secret present burst forth on Friday and I just gave it without really waiting for the 'real' anniversary (we anyway have two wedding dates..so no one is really sure what is 'real'). And with the enthusiasm of receiving cool present..B also gave me my present .. a beautiful pendant from Tiffany's. Its really pretty..but way beyond my middle class VFM (value for money) comprehension..however.. I l-o-v-e it.

The surprise of presents gone ..it still was lovely. B took a day off..which I didn't know about..so was a nice surprise. We went on a looong walk in the morning and then did some random shopping for presents we need to take home. The evening started with nice cocktails ..made sweeter by happy hours. Then
The Lightning Play at Almeida Theatre (some good acting..but I felt it missed an overall point), again at the play we had tickets for the last row but the hall was fairly empty so we were asked to move up to much better seats. (I feel like such a VFM aunty). We finally went to the Islington Tapas Bar for dinner.. sadly it was nothing great..the sangria was not good, food was decent...but expensive ..however.. it ended on a great note with some fabulous cheese cake..and had good service We finally got home at mid night ..very very tired... a total contrast from last years pizza and horror movie.

Hope this portends a more happening and happier year ahead.


Mr. J said...

Happy #1 Anniversary.. and many more to come. Cheers!!

Mr. J said...

And why the hopeless feeling??

Miss Frangipani said...

Happy Anniversary P & B!!

Mr R and I celebrate our 2nd WA on NYear's day. I already have loads of ideas as to what to get him; he's clueless though! Add to it that I have a b'day, Xmas, NY and a Wedding anniversary within a span of 3 weeks - that's FOUR presents technically!!

Anyway, glad you two had a lovely day together. B shows good taste by getting you something from Tiffany's. Sensible man.

Hope Santa's listening...


Nee said...

What?? My comment disappeared!

Anyway, all I had said was "Happy Anniversary Pea and B!"

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a nice anniversary. Mine is coming up - we're one of those couple you have christmas, anniversary and birthay all in the space of a couple of weeks. Have no idea what to get him and am sure he has no idea what to get me. Hope ours is as eventful as yours!

That Girl said...

ooh happy anniversary!!! hope you have many more years of wedded bliss!!! Mine's coming up sooooonnnn!!!!

30in2005 said...

Happy happy!!

We have a tradition of having gourmet pizza and a bottle of uber good wine on our anniversary - every year for the last 4 years. And since its in winter (almost almost) we spend the day/evening at home curled up, no TV, listening to some good music and with lots of talking! And we go out to celebrate some other day so we have two celebrations....

Pea said...

[John] Thanks you. Irrelevant point .. but its #2 anniversary though. And hopeless feeling is a long story ..will write about it sometime.

[MW] Wow ..your wedding was on New Years Day .. that's quite cool.

[Nee] TQ, TQ ..

[Beks] That makes December a very hectic month for you! I had struggled so much to think of a present..no idea what I'll do for Christmas/NY. Will be in Bombay soon.. so hoping to get some nice stuff from there.

[Grafxgurl] TQ .. so when is your anniversary?

[30in2005] Nice :) We have two anniversaries .. one for our civil wedding and one the traditional hoopla. So usually we go out for one and stay home for a nice home cooked meal for the other. Though this time we're in India for our other anniversary ..so am sure will be fun and chaotic.