Monday, November 20, 2006

Through my Lens - Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus

Now that I have a fair bit of time at hand, I've gone out some days with my camera clicking pictures around town. I initially wanted to make a series in black and white around London. Have done some areas. Also, some pictures just look much better in colour. Here are a few photographs from a recent picture taking outing to Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus.

Leicester Square tube station

I hadn't seen so many of these hand-held board ads till I came to London.

One of the many many shops selling tickets in the area.

And one of the many many souvenir stores

Leicester Square. I sat there reading for a while. It was nice with all the buzz around. The lunch goers rushing about on the break from work and the more leisurely tourists. This is also my favourite photograph from the day.

Piccadilly Circus. Crowded as usual. There are more pictures here.


Shionge said...

I'll never get tire of LONDON...just luv it! Thanks for sharing and revived my memory.

Kochukandhari said...

v. nice!

That Girl said...

hmm yes theyd look better in color as well.. cept for that last BW pic... coz it does have a BW Old World feel to it.

:D cameras are such fun!

Miss Frangipani said...

Lovely pics. What did you use to edit the first one with the Underground sign? I haven't figured that out yet (haven't tried v.hard, admittedly!)

Going to be late for work if I continue browsing. Will check back later!

Pea said...

[Shionge] Glad you liked it.

[Beks] Thanks

[Grafxgurl] The designer is always right. Have replaced them with the colour versions.

[mumbaiwallah] Picassa. Really want to acquire and learn to use some good photo editing software.

That Girl said...

AWWWWWW shucks *blush*

Sephyroth said...

Just thought I'd say hi as I'm trying to visit and comment on as many of the NaBloPoMo blogs as I can. :)

Great photos; interesting to see some of the scenes of more "typical" London. :)