Sunday, November 05, 2006

Through my lens - Guy Fawkes Day

Guy Fawkes Day is one of my many Enid Blyton associations. I imagined it was like Dussehra except that they burnt the effigy of Guy Fawkes. I was quite excited about going to one of the parks for the bonfire and fireworks. We finally decided on Battersea Park because it would be convenient. Ofcourse we totally forgot to take into account the magnitude of the crowd. It was quite a nightmare getting there and back. We had planned to take a bus from the tube station but it was packed like a Bombay local so we just walked and got really really late meeting some friends there. All the crowd and logistics aside, it was fantastic. It was not as I imagined it ... but I loved every moment. Oh, and I tried some mulled wine .. perfect for the cold evening.. am going to try making it at home now! Anyway, here's some pictures .. they describe the evening better than I could.

Albert Bridge as we approach the park from Chelsea Bridge

The bonfire from a distance. It was HUGE!

It's like a tower of fire. I just like the picture, so sharing it.

Towards the end, as it was dying out


Finally the fireworks.

It lasted a long time and was spectacular.

I took over a hundred pictures to get my perfect fireworks snap. Did not get something perfect, but I think this was close.

A fitting finale!


Kochukandhari said...


By the way I am with Akkare on going to Paris...I always get Ro stuff for his computer, because that's a sure pleaser.

That Girl said...

fantastic!!! i LOVE the fireworks!

shakester said...

nice pics1 I used to think (ver vauguely though) too that Guy fawkes was something like Diwali....I still dont know much about Guy Fawkes, but I know its not....well....Diwali..

Nav said...

Hello Pea,

Beautiful pictures, first time on your blog, and I have read it all. Can relate so much to many of the things you have written here. Please keep posting, am adding your blog to mine :)


Pea said...

[Beks] So far, the Paris idea is going strong. Stuff for the computer.. hmm ..wonder what I could find.

[Grafxgurl] TQ, TQ. Btw.. have heard a lot about Adobe Photoshop and how wonderful it is. Am sure the Graphic Designer Nerd knows all the nerdy stuff about it. So will catch up some other time with you to know more etc etc.

[shakester] Did you not read Five Find Outers? Or watch V for Vendetta - though that was smart to miss. Well, I thought it would be like Dusshera since the books talked about burning the effigy of Guy Fawkes .. but true .. Diwali (+ lohri) is a closer parallel.

[mojindro] Thank you ..

[nav] Welcome! Will be here everyday till end of Nov .. and a little less often thereafter.