Saturday, July 21, 2007

Yet another month

So now it's yet another month that is flying by too fast. First it was all of May and now suddenly we're near the end of July and as usual I am wondering where the last three weeks went.

One thing about getting into the regular work-home-weekend routine is that there's nothing major that really happens. The only major event to be blogged about is my turning 30.. but of course that is going to be a whole post in itself.. on how I entered a new decade kicking and screaming.. perhaps with greater intensity than when I entered the world.

Then there's been a close friends hens night. The first I ever attended.. It was more sober than ones I had seen in Amsterdam, but a great 'send-off' into the 'married world' (for a lack of a better word). It was good fun and sometimes I wonder why we don't do more of this.. not the hens night.. but just more evenings of pure fun.

I have also realised that we need a new laptop/computer to keep peace at home. I dare not blog/surf random Internet from my work laptop (I have images of some evil spy waiting to tell my boss about my wasteful Internet hours and my blog). At home if one of us is on the computer..its a game of patience till the other one explodes and demands fair share of machine time. The only hitch in the otherwise perfect two-machine solution is that investing in another machine for the sake of peace seems a little extravagant.

More things to be dealt with in individual posts. I must remember to write about my whole experience with kids at close quarters. And an overheard conversation between two parents which shocked me a little. But all that for another day.

PS. For those in London, check out the programme of India Now there are some really good concerts coming up in the next few months. There is also a lot to choose from at Barbican and Royal Festival Hall. For all the times that I wonder what I am doing in this city.. when I suddenly get so much to wonderful choice, all questions fade away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh wow.. belated B'day wishes???

You sure seem to be become verrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyy busy of late.

The days are surely packed!!