Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Its a small world after all

I had a friend visiting during summer and she insisted I sign-up on Orkut. I never understood why she would rather write me a one line scrap for the world to see over a one line email. Anyway, it was easier to sign up than continue arguing and so by the time she left, there I was with my one page on Orkut. I am sure I have the shortest 'Friends' list (even my tech-unfriendly sister has a list 4 times longer!). I also never understood why I would want to put my photographs up and subscribe to communities which would tell the world where I studied, my profession, holidays I've been on and who all I know. So as might be obvious I'm not a big fan of Orkut and prefer good old email any day.

Off late though, I've made two discoveries (yes, I have too much time to waste, that's what the jobless population does!) - 1. The obvious - It's a really small world 2. People I've lost touch with 20 years ago.

I know there's supposed to be only a few degrees of separation in the world, but still. In my small world of people who I've always thought are totally unrelated .. it is amazing how I find that x who I know from college went to kindergarten with someone I know from work and such and so forth. It has taught me a lesson - never to bitch about anyone henceforth - really hope I don't forget it in two days.

The second has been nicer. I've actually found someone who I studied with 20 years ago. Since I was nine when I left the school I kept in touch only with my 'best-friend' from that school, it was too much effort to write long letters to everyone. So this friend, CS was with me from Class 1 when I joined the school till I left at the end of Class 5. Writing to her brought back so many old memories. The funniest I remember is of CS, Best-friend and I having a secret club (influence of all the Enid Blyton we were reading those days). We had badges that we would wear on our shirt under the tunic, we even had passwords and a secret meeting place in school. During 'break' we'd meet there and share secrets which we swore never to tell anyone. Amongst the three of us, best-friend had a huge house with a room to herself and having an elder sister also had a large collection of books. So we'd have slumber parties at her place where we'd stay up till 10pm reading Enid Blyton and having cookies (yes, that was thrilling for us since my regular bed-time was 8:30!).

So now CS, best-friend and I are once again mailing, catching up on our lives without the thrill of secret clubs and passwords, but its nice all the same.


Kochukandhari said...

I've found tons of fmaily on orkut but strangely no classmates...I wonder what this says about me.

Nee said...

Hey, that's fantastic. I've been resisting joining orkut too - but one of my closest friends has gotten on my case big time now and I think I'll have to cave in sooner or later! Sigh...

Mr. J said...

It's a very small world. True. First time on orkut, seeing the huge friends list some people had I thought it was silly.

And yeh when you meet up with someone looooong time ago, it's all worth it. Man, they've changed so much.

Pea said...

[Beks] That you're already in touch with them and don't need to use Orkut to find them ???

[Nee] Apart from finding long lost people from the past.. I still have a problem with how public it makes your life.

[John]True. Age !!!!

Miss Frangipani said...


I might give it a go now...


Pea said...

[mumbaiwallah] Its not all bad!