Friday, October 20, 2006

Happy Diwali

Hope everyone gets to celebrate it some way. I am not a very religious person, but to me its a festival of fun and being with family and friends. I don't have nice diyas this year.. but will make do with lots of candles and keeping the windows open to avoid the fire alarm from going off.

For those who mark the beginning of a year year.. Here's wishing you a very Happy New Year.
(Image from

Sunday Morning - The Diwali update
I couldn't have asked for more. Had a lovely day with lunch at a friends place. Good food, great wine and a good film (which was more like background music). After a relaxing day we got out our salwar kameez' from the back of the cupboard and all the forgotten bindis and bangles - everyone was looking great. A short and nice puja followed by a all of us trooping over to a big Diwali party. When I was in Delhi I couldn't step out on Diwali because of the fumes in the air which triggered massive sneezing reactions in me. This year, with limited fireworks I actually got to be a part of it. The fireworks were nice. . and after all the Diwali feeling is never complete without it. All this followed by more drinking and a lot of dancing. I was 20 once again .. and by the time we got home my feet were killing me. . so much for those matching shoes! Should have just said cared less and worn something more comfortable and conducive to dancing - lesson learnt for next year. Bee made a foot soak for me when we got back .. but the feet are still killing! Today have woken up with a happy feeling inside ..the sun is peeping through the clouds and the day looks good... but am slowly getting back to reality.


Kochukandhari said...

Happy Diwali Pea!

Nee said...

Hey Pea,

So happy to hear that you had a fun Diwali! May this year bring you all that your heart desires :-)


SeePearrl said...

Happy Diwali to you too :)

Mr. J said...

Wow.. talk about having Diwali away from home.

I used to complain about the noise while the time I was at home, now I miss it. :(

Pea said...

[Beks, Nee, White Forest, John]

Thanks. Hope you enjoyed the weekend.

Akkare said...

Hey Pea, Tks for reassuring words. Totally relate to your experience of job hunting!! Hang in there.

Pea said...

[Akkare] My arms are getting tired with all the hanging :( :)